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Monday, December 19, 2011

LEVELS OF ATTRACTION: The Aesthetic Appeal of Women

  I recently attended a rather formal Christmas party that was invited to as someone’s guest. It was held in a banquet hall at a prestigious hotel. The only person I knew was the person I arrived with so naturally I looked around the room instinctively to assess the crowd. I realized that this party was representative of many social situations (bars, clubs, lounges, sporting events, concerts, etc.) where we are in close proximity with a large group of people, that we don’t know, who for the most part want to be seen. It was at this party that I formulated a system/rating scale that helps rank the purely physical/visual (aesthetic) appeal of a woman. This may apply to men in some other way as well, ladies feel free to modify it. However, this scale and these levels are specific to women and I feel its how most men generally see/view/look at them initially (key word) when in public. At first glance, every woman falls into or finds her way into one of the following four categories.

Level 1: “The Sweeper”

These are the chics that you can see all you need to with one sweep across the room. Everything they possibly have to offer visually (or are lacking) is assessed and registered in one glance. Nothing catches your eye; you could almost be certain that even peripherally there is nothing about them you find attractive. These are the ones that you either sweep past when surveying the room or who may pass into your field of vision as nothing more than a blur. Regardless, they don’t get a second look, much less even recognized. No amount of makeup or revealing attire can help your situation physically. Sorry sweepers, hope you have a great personality, or are gifted…or have something else to offer up that will catch and retain the interest and attention of a man. Looks are not your thing.

Level 2: “The Check Back-Check Off”

This chic is worthy of a casual double take. She’s basically a Sweeper that gets a second look to be sure we didn't miss anything. This is how that happens -At first glance she may appear to be a sweeper, but something sticks. Something makes you check back in with her visually to see what you just saw, or what you think you saw…something, not much, but something caught your eye. Ladies this could mean 3 things: a) you intentionally did one thing right b) you naturally have one thing going for you, but most likely it’s c) something about you is an optical illusion, and just a fluke. However, at this point, depending on the gentleman (or jerk) that is checking her out, he does one of two things. He either realizes she’s not worth his time or effort, he checks her off, dismisses her for the evening as he would a Sweeper, and moves on. Or (and this is the major difference between a Check Back-Check Off and a Sweeper), he possibly gains further interest and bumps her up to the next level where the visual assessment/analyzing process can continue. The odds are not in her favor for the latter to take place though, most of the time Check Backs end up getting checked off, hence the name…but there is always an ounce of hope!

Level 3: “The Look At”

You sweet heart, qualify as “eye candy”, also commonly referred to as a "Looker". You have an aesthetic appeal about you that is very “easy on the eyes”. When in sight, a man’s eyes will naturally gravitate to and potentially fixate on or around you. Now whether that’s with a stare, a few subtle looks, or multiple glances, really all depends on the man…but it’s no secret you are good looking and attractive. The catch here is that you still fall into the “out of sight out of mind” category. Because although a man may find you tantalizing, titillating, possibly even somewhat captivating when you are in his presence and he can see you, there still isn't enough that sticks in his mind, meaning the image of you in his head isn't quite strong enough to last and haunt him once you are not in plain view. Therefore, when you are around and can be seen, we will most likely be spending (or killing) time by looking at you, but that’s where it ends.

Disclaimer: Being that this scale is subjective; it’s possible for a Level 3 to become a Level 4 over time if there is something about the Level 3 that grabs hold of a man after an extended period of time as a “Look At” the way a Level 4 grabs a hold of a man instantaneously. This is Rare, but possible. Remember these labels only pertain to her initial category. Obviously people fall in love with “Level 3’s in which they become Level 4’s by default given the birth of some other infatuation.

Level 4: “The Look For”

It’s one thing to be intrigued by the view in front of you. It’s another to be fascinated, enamored, and overwhelmingly consumed by a memory or mental image. This is exactly what happens to a man when he sees a “Look For”. Ladies you get your name because after seeing you, possibly just once, you fall into the category of women that a man will spend a portion, if not the rest of his night (in extreme cases the rest of his life), attempting to look for you. Interested to know where you are, you’re so attractive you become the focal point of a man’s interest strictly because of his physical attraction to you based on your looks. Whether it be a gorgeous face, beautiful smile, sexy curves, or (in most cases) all of the above, you are the one we either can’t let get away, or simply just want more of!

Disclaimer: Just as it is possible for a Level 3 to move up to a Level 4, it is also possible for a Level 4 to be downgraded to Level 3 eye candy if for some reason after the chase she loses some of her appeal.

  So there it is. These levels and this assessment process simply provide a glimpse into the shallow, carnal, superficial, sexist, point of view of a man, which is strictly based on looks. It provides a look at an objective, qualifiable assessment process that takes place initially when a man is in the process of deciding whether or not a woman is attractive, and just how attractive she is. This rating system and these levels are simply a framework from which to operate. Keep in mind it is totally subjective and relative to the type, style, and preference of woman that is particular to the man using this scale.

  In the end, looks do mater to a large degree, and they play a huge role in people being attracted to one another, especially initially. So I’m not saying to live in denial with no self awareness as to how you are viewed by others. Self esteem and confidence are important, but don’t be delusional – not everyone is a dime! That being said, the most important factor is that you be happy with yourself when you leave the house. Because regardless of your looks, or what level above you fall into, if you don’t feel good about yourself you are going to emit negative energy and give off a negative vibe that will often times supersede whatever you bring to the table physically. In the long run, it’s the internal connection and the attraction to who you are on the inside that can work miracles and be powerful enough for you to go from Sweeper to Keeper!

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